Labelling Drug Cartels as Terrorist Organisations: Can the US Invoke a Right to Self-defence?

On 20 February 2025, the US government officially declared six Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organisations. The designation process…

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The Inclusion of Ecocide: Legal Challenges and Prospects for the Rome Statute

In the 1970s, renowned biology professor Arthur W. Galston introduced the concept of ecocide during the Vietnam War, as he…

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Prosecuting the Crime Against Peace or Aggression

The International Criminal Court’s Current Limited Jurisdiction The crime of aggression or the crime against peace falls under the jurisdiction…

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Causality and the Laws of War, Terrorism and Asylum

There is a direct causal relationship between and among war, terrorism and asylum that is too often ignored by legal…

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Azerbaijan v. Armenia before the ICJ: When Military Occupation is Racial Discrimination under CERD?

Introduction Following the so-called “44-Day War” in 2020, Azerbaijan and Armenia lodged reciprocal applications before the International Court of Justice…

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A Resolution to the Ukraine Conflict? A Legal Inquiry

The resilience of the Russian Federation is striking: Despite the EU’s historic sanctions, Russia’s gross domestic product is expected to…

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In the Wake of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Current Challenges to Regional Peace and International Law

Introduction The territorial conflict of over 30 years between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh escalated in the late 1980s and…

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From Ukraine to the Gaza Conflict: Male Victimisation of Sexual Violence and The ‘Man Question’ in International Law

Conflict-related sexual violence in recent times, whether in the context of Ukraine or Gaza, has captured global attention and elicited…

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Crisis in the Red Sea: Does the International Law Protect Against UAV Attacks & Other Forms of Maritime Terrorism in the High Seas?

The Red Sea is in turmoil. As a result of the conflict in Gaza, the rebel group – Houthis, in…

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Symposium on Bangladesh Genocide and International Law: Criminal Responsibility of the Pakistani Prisoners of War

The Editors of the Cambridge International Law Journal Blog endorses this statement by the Fellows of the Lauterpacht Centre for International…

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