Volume 9(1) is now available!

We are thrilled to announce that Volume 9(1) of the Cambridge International Law Journal is now available! The Issue includes:

  • Editorial by Catherine Drummond and Patrick Simon Perillo
  • 2000–2020: twenty years later, where are we in terms of the unity of international law? by Pierre-Marie Dupuy
  • Exploiting non-self-governning territory status: Western Sahara and the new EU/Morocco Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement by Stephen Allen
  • Attribution of cyber operations: an international law perspective on the Park Jin Hyok case by Tomohiro Mikanagi and Kubo Mačák
  • If Mr Nottebohm had a golden passport: a study of the obligations for third countries under international law regarding citizenships-for-sale by José-Miguel Bello y Villarino
  • Pleas of illegality and the application of domestic law in investment treaty arbitration by Giorgio Risso and Anna Chiara Amato